look across

英 [lʊk əˈkrɒs] 美 [lʊk əˈkrɔːs]

网络  眺望



  1. Conformation to industry standards is important as companies look to integrate across a wide range of software components.
  2. The point of this section is that you have to also look across the whole of the solution when considering specs.
  3. When you see the storm swells forming as you look out across the water, you can prepare.
  4. To fill in that gap, the school uses data analytics to look across 20 past exams ( taken by the same student) to see if he or she is proficient in a specific subject area.
  5. When we look across the world today and think about the most pressing issues, the ongoing fiscal uncertainty in the United States greatly concerns us.
  6. I think there is a tremendous opportunity to look across the world.
  7. Once more the old, old look passed rapidly across his features like a strange light.
  8. Naturally, you need to look across the Atlantic to discover this unique case, instead of crying scandal.
  9. When we look across a field we look into space.
  10. But, as they look across the Middle East, western policymakers can see reason for alarm on issue after issue.
  11. Yet he can still give me a certain look across a restaurant table and I want to ask for the check and head home.
  12. As you look out across the Black Sea from the top of Ai-Petri Mountain, you may wonder why such an iridescent blue sea is called the black sea.
  13. This strategy enables the theme to create a consistent look across pages, even if controls on the pages already have individual property settings.
  14. Every now and then blunt snatched a look across at me.
  15. Look across the Pacific, on the same latitude, on the line of the Equator, and one sees the Sunda Plate and the drama of the S American roll on this line.
  16. Project center views allow you to look at information across multiple projects.
  17. You know that you have arrived, because the Sunset Caf é is the last structure on this street, before you look across the Lake at a wide assortment of mountain ridges and at least three volcano peaks.
  18. Look across the creek at that farm. That's my neighbor, in fact, it's my younger brother.
  19. Represents the base class for a page theme, which is a collection of resources that are used to define a consistent look across pages and controls in a web site.
  20. If you look across the academic world these days, as well as in corporate life, it seems that silo busting is becoming all the rage.
  21. If Mr Osborne wants a target, he would do better to look across London than across the Channel, and to aim his fire at the Bank of England.
  22. Before serving, she always did a little dance, paused to look across the net, and bounced the ball three times.
  23. Look across the square. you'll see a tunnel.
  24. Try to take regular breaks to look up or across the room.
  25. We're lagging behind about six percent as we look across the country, so there's a few days left.
  26. A look across the brandz data shows that consumers are nearly half as likely to tell others about financial services than almost any other type of brand, but that they are more likely to listen out for information about them.
  27. He gave one last look across the sky, across that magnificent silver land where he had learned so much.
  28. On one side you look across the bowling green, behind the house, to a beautiful hanging wood.
  29. The buildings still stand there grandly enough, but look across the river now and, bang opposite the Bund, there towers a spectacular architectural riposte.



  1. be oriented in a certain direction
    1. The house looks out on a tennis court
    2. The apartment overlooks the Hudson

    Synonym:    look out onlook out overoverlook